APM Hexseal

APM Hexseal - "The world’s most hostile environments are our proving grounds”…has been the APM Hexseal mission and motto since 1947 when APM first developed its line of switch and circuit breaker,  high-pressure, sealing boots for the U.S Navy. APM’s highly IP Rated seals are designed to meet MIL-B-5423, are UL Recognized, and millions have been used extensively in avionics, instrumentation, communications, construction, marine, medical, and industrial and process industries. APM also offers a full line of UL recognized self-sealing fasteners & washers for panel, electrical NEMA enclosure and other related systems requiring sealing to 20,000psig that are also impervious to a wide range of corrosive liquids and gases.

APM Hexseal Istaknuti Proizvodi

1/2-13 AJ 6

1/2-13 AJ 6

R10-32X3/8 2701

R10-32X3/8 2701

RM4X6MM 2701

RM4X6MM 2701

N9040X1/8 2

N9040X1/8 2





RM3X10MM 2701

RM3X10MM 2701

N1030 1

N1030 1

N1030 12

N1030 12

R1/4-20X3/8 2701

R1/4-20X3/8 2701

R10-32X7/16 2701

R10-32X7/16 2701




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